Kakod, Tonk, Rajasthan Edit

Graph Icon Demography Edit

3921 Citizens
1950 Female
1971 Male
2063 Literate Citizens
785 Literate Female
1278 Literate Male
793 Households
52% Literacy Rate
989:1000 Sex Ratio
Employment Type
Land Type
0 River
0 Canal
0 Pond
0 Lake

Infrastructure Infrastructure Edit

  • check Bank
  • check Post Office
  • check Telephone
  • check Proximity To Bus Stop
  • check Proximity To Railway Station
  • check Petrol/Diesel Pump
  • check LPG Agency
  • check Factory/Industry
  • check Local Market
  • check Electricity
  • check Cemented Road
  • check Tar Road
  • check Brick Road
  • check Brick Kilns/Fields
  • check Drainage System

Educational Icon Education Edit

Facilities Facilities Edit

  • check Government Price Shop
  • check Vegetable Market
  • check Grain Market
  • check Fertilizer Shop
  • check Bio Gas Plants
  • check Carpenter
  • check Blacksmith
  • check Electrician
  • check Food Joint
  • check Photocopy
  • check Photographer
  • check Jeweller
  • check Bike Mechanic
  • check Motor Mechanic
  • check Internet Connectivity
  • check Cyber Cafe
  • check Cinema hall
  • check Weekly Market

Healthcare Healthcare Edit

  • Nearest Hospital:
  • check Dispensary
  • check Veterinary Hospital
  • check Chemist

Sports Sports Edit

  • check Games played
  • check Sports Academy/Institue

Drinking Water Drinking Water Edit

  • Source:
  • check Drinking water is available for over 75% households within their premises
  • check Over 75% households use public hand pump for drinking water
  • check Piped drinking water is available for over 75% of the residents within their household premises.
  • check Piped drinking water is available for 50% - 75% of the residents within their household premises.

Irrigation Water Irrigation Water Edit

  • Source:
  • check Over 75% farmers use tubewell for irrigation water
  • check Over 75% farmers use canal/river water for irrigation
  • check Over 75% of the agricultural land has access to clean irrigation water
  • check Over 75% of the agricultural land have access to clean irrigation water but in insufficient quantities.

Sanitation Sanitation Edit

  • check Over 75% households have their own toilets that are connected to the village sewage system.
  • check Over 75% households have their own toilets that are not connected to the village sewage system.
  • check A community toilet (separate for men and women) exists within the village and it is maintained well.
  • check A community toilet (separate for men and women) exists within the village and it is not maintained well.
  • check Over 50% of the households defecate in the open

Important Details Edit

  • Post Office:
    • Tehsil:
    • Pincode:
    • Phone:
    • STD Code:
  • Police Station:
    • Phone:
  • Gram Pradhan:
    • Phone:
    • Email:
  • Bank:
    • Phone:
    • IFSC:

Voice of the Village

Disclaimer: Our goal is to keep this information accurate. If errors are brought to our attention, we will try to correct them.